National and Reginal Publications

    1. Zakaria S, Kotb A, Saleem M, Marey N, Thakeb F, Esmat G, (1992): Gastric mucosal lesions in infants and children with portal hypertension. J of Arab Child; 3:319-30.
    2. Kotb A, Zakaria S, Abd Razik S, El Karakasy H, Esmat G, Mohsen N (1992): Small intestinal mucosal changes in protein calorie malnutrition. J of Arab Child; 3:279-85.
    3. Bakr A, Fahima H, Esmat G, (1993): The role of H. pylori infection in gastritis, duedenitis and peptic ulcer disease. Scientific Medical Journal; 5:167-175.
    4. Mabrouk N, Esmat G, Ramzy I, El Kady N, Abdel Wahab M, (1994): Prevalence of human fasioliasis in 28 villages in Minofia Governorate in Egypt. The New Egyptian Journal of Medicine; 10:1693-6 
    5. ZakariaM, Esmat G, El Karaksy H, El Matbouly M (1994): Ultrasonographic prediction of esophageal varices in children. JAC; 5(1): 39-45
    6. Abdel Wahab M, Ramzy I, Medhat E, Esmat G, Abdel Aziz T, Wassef M, El Zein M, Milad M, Tarek A, Hammad M, Strickland G, (1995): Noninvasive methods for assessing hepatic fibrosis Ultrasonographic, pathologic and fibrogenic abnormalities of the liver in patients with schistosomiasis and posthepatitic cirrhosis. J Egypt Med Assoc.; 78(1-6):11-24.
    7. Abdel Wahab M, El Boraey Y, Mabrouk M, Hussein H, Ramzy I, Medhat I, Esmat G, Kamel M, (1995): Resistance to schistosoma mansoni infection: immunoepidemiological study. J Egypt Med Assoc.; 78(1-6):275-92.
    8. Amr M, Zakaria S, Esmat G, Abou El Atta G, El Medany T, Sanad A, (1995): Hepatitis B virus sero-markers among Egyptian pesticide applicators. Egypt J of Occupational Medicine; 19(2):255-65. 
    9. Abdel Wahab M, Yousry A, El Boraey Y, Esmat G, Marzouk H, Imam R, Wasef M, (1997): Serum procollagen III N-peptide and abdominal ultrasonography in the follow up of patients with schistosomal hepatic fibrosis after praziquantel therapy: A field and hospital study. Egypt J of Occupational Medicine; 80(7-12):253-67. 
    10. Abdel Rahman A, Esmat G, Farag A (1997): Earlier loss of HCV RNA in interferon therapy can predict a long-term response in chronic hepatitis. The new Egyptian J of Medicine; 17(5):402-8.
    11. Zaki A, El Meliegy A, Deraz T, Esmat G, Yousef A, (1997): Herpes Simplex 1&2 infections: common clinical presentation and comparison of two methods for virus typing in tissue culture. Sci Med J Ecsme; 9(2):71-81.
    12. Abdel Wahab M, Esmat G, El-Boaraey Y, Nooman M, El-Garem H, (1997): Morbidity due to schistosoma hematopium and schistosoma mansoni : comparison of single and combined infection in Fayoum and Menoufeya Governerate, Egypt. The Journal of the Egyptian Medical Association; 80(7-12):241-52.
    13. Seleem A, Esmat G, Omar A, (1998): Percutaneous ethanol injection in treatment of 30 patients with solitary hepatocellular carcinoma. Kasr El Aini Medical Journal; 4(1):135-47.
    14. Abdel Wahab M, Esmat G, El Garem HA, Abdel Hamid T, El Boray Y, Abbas M, (1998): An approach to prevalence versus morbidity studies of schistosomiasis in the field. J Egypt Med Assoc.; 81(7-12):113-21.
    15. Abo El Ata G, Lotfy B, El Kholy B, Esmat G, Rakha M, Taha S, Yassin M, (1998): Investigating different health implications due to occupational exposure to Vinyl Chloride in an Egyptian PVC production facility. Egyptian J of Occupational Medicine; 22(1):115-44.
    16. Ezzat H, Esmat G, Marii M, (1998): Serology and optimal combination of media for the detection of Helicobacter pylori in upper gastrointestinal diseases. Egypt J of Med Microbiology; 7(2):305-12.
    17. Rahman AA, Deraz HA, Esmat G, Zaki A, (1998): Dengue fever in Jeddah: Clinical findings in laboratory confirmed cases. Zagazic University Medical Journal; 4(5):241-9.
    18. Ali I, Esmat G, Bakr A, Hamido T, Shoukry M, (1999): Choledocholithiasis: Diagnostic  accuracy of MR cholangiography. Med J Cairo Univ; 67(3):799-807.
    19. Esmat G, El Raziky M, (2000): Etiologic diagnosis of ascites by 3D ultrasonograpohy. Medical Imaging International; 10(3):18-19.
    20. Zakaria MS, Esmat G, Abdel Rehim A, El Raziky M, Ebaid B, Moteleb L, Murad M, Abdel Khalek M, (2000): Different endoscopic modalities in the management of esophageal varices in infants and children. Endoscopy, (Arab Edition); 1:17-22.
    21. Esmat G, Salama M, Assem M, Soliman ES, (2000): The role of endoscopic retrograde cholangiography versus intraoperative cholangiography in the management of common bile duct stones. Med J Cairo Univ.; 68(2):21-29.
    22. Esmat G, (2000): 3D ultrasonography in hepatogastroenterology. Clinical Application of 3D Sonography. The Parthenon Publishing Group; 235-41. 
    23. Zakaria S, El- Raziky M, Motawea I, Esmat G, Soliman M, Zakaria MS, (2000): Serologic Survey for The Prevalence of Hepatitis E In Rural Community In Giza Governorate. Kasr El Aini Med J.; 6(4):427-38.
    24. Lotfy BM, Esmat G, (2000): Evaluation of Different health hazards among pharmacists and their assistants at Cairo university hospitals (CUH). Egyptian Journal of Occupational Medicine; 24(1):1-17.
    25. Esmat G, Salama M, Assem M, SolimanE, (2000): The Role of Endoscopic Retrograte Cholangiopancreatography Versus Intraoperative Cholangiography in the Management of Common Bile Duct Stones. Med. J. Cairo Univ.; 68(2):21-29. 
    26. Abdel Gafar Y, Hassan AZ, Esmat G, Omar A, Tawfik M, (2000): Percutaneous ethanol injection in large size and multiple hepatocellular carcinoma. Sci.Med.J., ESCME; 12(3):125-31.
    27. Esmat G, El-Boraey Y, Abdel Haleem H, Abdel Wahab MF, (2001): Schistosomiasis in Fayoum Governorate, Egypt: 1992-1997. Med. J. Cairo Univ.; 69(2):401-406.
    28. Zakaria MS, Zakaria S, Esmat G, El-Garem H, El-Raziky M, Amer A, Hashem A, El- Boaray Y, El-Sherbini A, (2001): Study of the Impact of Socio- Economic and Sociocultural Factors on the Prevalence of Parasitic Infections in 8 Villages in Giza Governorate, Egypt. Med. J. Cairo Univ.; 69(4) Suppl. II:235-238. 
    29. Esmat G, Abd El-Haleem H, Hendawi A, Talaat S, , Ezzat O, Abd El-Haleem A, (2002): Expression of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity in Colonic Mucosa of Patients with Active Intestinal Schistosomiasis and Active Ulcerative Colitis. The Arab Journal of Gastroenterology; 3(1):43-55.
    30. Abdel Aziz MT, Zakaria S, Zakaria MS, Esmat G, Eid AS, Kamal N, Elrazky M, (2002): Hepatitis G virus infection in an Egyptian rural community. The Arab J of Lab Med.; 28(3):339-48.
    31. Esmat G, Zakaria MS, Zakaria S, Abdel Aziz MT, Eid AS, Kamal N, El Raziky M, (2002): Hepatitis G Virus Infection In an Egyptian Rural Community. Arab. J. Lab. Med.; 28(3):339-349.
    32. Yosry AA, Doss W, Elgabaly H, Esmat G, Elserafy M, Omar A, Eltawil A, Kamel S, Elbary AA, Ghali A, Hosni A, Lee S, Tanaka K, (2004): HCV recurrence post-living donor liver transplantation: favorable outcome using tacrolimus and short-course steroids for immunosupression. 12thUEGW poster presentations, MON-G-120.
    33. Said M, Metwally M, Esmat G, Zakaria S, Mohamed MK,  Abdel Hamid M,  El Razky MS, Strickland TG, Sjogren M, (2004): Impact of hepatitis B past infection on severity of hepatic disease and response to interferon therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 4. 12th UEGW poster presentations; 28(53), Suppl. VI: A172.TUE-G-92.
    34. Esmat G, Zalata KR, Metwally MA, Hamid M, Abouzied A, Al Raziky MS, khattab H, Batanony M, Ismail S, Shaheen A, Strickland T, Sjogren M, (2004): Hsitopathological effects of pegylated and standard interferon in responders andnon-responders chronic hepatitis C genotype 4. 12thUEGW poster presentations; TUE-G-91.
    35. ElMakhzangy HI, Esmat G, Al Raziky M, Aoun EA, Mohamed MK, Hepatocellular Carcinoma: The magnitude of the problem in Egypt.  Poster Session-Clinical science, May: p 580.
    36. Esmat G, Zaalata K, Metwally M, Abdel Hamid M, Abouzied A, El Raziky M, El Batanony M, Strrickland T, Sjogren M, Histopathological effects of pegylated and standard interferon in responders and non-responders chronic hepatitis C Genotype 4. poster sessions-clinical science, May: p 583.
    37. Mostafa SM, Mabrouk MA, RN, Esmat G, (2004): Inferior venacaval, ileofemoral and Hepatic venous thrombosis following single injection of Medroxyprogesterone acetate. Arab Journal of Gastroenterology; 5:128.
    38. Esmat G, Abouzied AM, El-Raziky M, Mohamed Mk, Abdeel-Hamid M, Zalata K, Ismail A, Saleh SM, Stricklend T, Sjogren M, (2004): Factors influencing the response to pegylated interferon alfa-2b plus ribavirin among HCV genotype 4 patients. The Afro-Arab Liver Journal; 3:67-68.
    39. El-Raziky MS, El-Hawary M, El-Koofy N, Okasha S, Kotb M, Salama K, Esmat G, El-Raziky M, Abouzied AM, El-Karaksy H, (2004): Hepatitis C virus infection in Egyptian children: single centre experience.J Viral Hepat.; 11(5):471-6.
    40.  Ibrahim SA, Abdelwahab SF, Mohamed MM, Osman AM, Fathy E, Al-Badry KS, Al-Kady N, Esmat G, Al-Sherbiny MM, (2006): T cells Are Depleted in HCV-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients: Possible Role of Apoptosis and p53.The Egyptian Journal Of Immunology; 13(2):11-22.
    41. Esmat G, El Raziky M, (2007): Management of chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 4 infection, Arab J Gastroenterol.; 8(2):38-43.
    42. Said M,  Esmat G,  El-Shazly  M,  Salah A,  El-Korashy E, Yosry A,  El-Garem N,  Megawer S,  El-Karaksy H,  El-Amir M, Abdel Bary M, Omar D, Hosny A, (2008): Applicability of Living Donor Liver Transplantation (LDLT) in Egypt Arab J Gastroenterol.; 9(4):112-114.
    43. Yosry A, El-Sherif Y, Esmat G, El-Hendawi A, Zayed N, Zakaria MS, (2008): The  Effect  of  COX-2  Expression  in  Hepatocytes  on  Response to Combined Interferon/Ribavirin in Chronic  Hepatitis C Infection Arab J Gastroenterol.; 9(4):89-93. 
    44. El-Serafy M, Kassem AM, Alansary A, Omar A, Yosry A, Esmat G, Kamel R, Refaat S, Doss W, Zayed N, El-Mallahy T, Zakaria S, (2009): Quality of life of Egyptian donors after living-related liver transplantation; 10(1). 
    45. Esmat G, El Raziky M, (2009): Antischistosomal therapy: Current status and recent developments. Volume 10 No.1.