International Peer Reviewed Publications

    1. Abdel-Wahab M, Esmat G, Milad M, Abdel Razek S, Strickland G, (1989): Characteristic sonographic pattern of schistosomal hepatic fibrosis. Am J Trop Med Hyg; 40(1):72-6.
    2. Abdel-Wahab M, Esmat G, Narooz S, Yosery A,  Struewing J,  Strickland G, (1990): Sonographic studies of school children in a village endemic for Schistsoma mansoni. Transactions of the Royal Society Tropical Medicine; 88:69-73.
    3. Abdel-Wahab M, Esmat G, (1992): The value of Ultrasonography in assessment of portal hypertension in hepatosplenic Schistosomiasis. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janerio;87 suppl. IV, pp. 143-7.
    4. Abdel-Wahab G, Esmat G, Strickland G, (1992): Grading of Hepatic Schistosomiasis by the use of ultrasonography.  Am J Trop Med Hyg; 46(4): 403-8.
    5. Abdel-Wahab M, Esmat G, Ramzy I, Fouad R, Abdel-Rahman M, Yosery A, Narooz S, Strickland G, (1992): Schistosoma haematobium infection Egyptian school children: Demonstration of both hepatic and urinary tract morbidity by ultrasonography. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; 86(4): 406-9.
    6. Bassily S, Strickland G, Abdel-Wahab M, Esmat G,  Narooz S, El-Masr N, Constantine N, Pstruewing J, (1992): Efficacy of Hepatitis “B” vaccination in primary school children from village endemic for Schistosoma mansoni. Rio de Jenerio; vol. 87 suppl. IV:143-7.
    7. Abdel-Wahab M, Ramzy I, Esmat G,  El-Kaffas H, Strickland G, (1992): Ultrasound of detecting Schisotosma haematobium urinary tract complications comparison with Radiographic procedures. The Journal of Urology; 148: 346-50.
    8. Abdel-Wahab M, Esmat G, Farag A, El-Borey Y, Strickland G, (1993): Ultrasonographic predictions of esophageal varices in Schistosoma mansoni. Am J of Gastroenterology; 88(4), 560-3.
    9. Abdel-Wahab M, Yosery A, Narooz S, Esmat G, El Hak S, Nasif S, Strickland G, (1993): Is Schistosoma mansoni replacing Schistosoma haematobium in Fayoum? Am J Trop Med Hyg; 49(6): 560-3.
    10. Abdel- Wahab M, Zakaria S, Kamel M, Abdel Khalq M, Mabrouk M, Salama H, Esmat G, Thomas D, Strickland G, (1994): High seroprevelance of hepatitis C infection among risk groups in Egypt. Am J Trop Med Hyg; 51(5):563-7
    11. Kamel M, Miller F, El-Masry A, Zakaria S, Khatab M, Esmat G, Ghaffar Y, (1994): Epidemiology of Schistosoma mansoni, hepatitis “B” and Hepatitis  “C” infections in Egypt. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology; 88:501-9.
    12. Bakr A, Khalil M, Esmat G, (1997): Acute cholecystitis is an indication for laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a prospective study. JSLS; 1:119-124.
    13. Abdel Wahab M, Esmat G, El Boraey Y, Ramzy I, Medhat E, Stuckland S, (2000): The epidemiology of schistosomiasis in Egypt: methods, training and quality control of clinical and ultrasound examinations. American J of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; 62(2):17-20.
    14. Abdel Wahab M, Esmat G, Medhat E,  Narooz S, Ramzy I, El Boraey Y,  Stuckland S, (2000): The epidemiology of schistosomiasis in Egypt: Menofia governarate. American J of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; 62(2):28-34.
    15. Abdel Wahab M, Esmat G, Ramzy I, Narooz S, Medhat E,  Ibrahim M,  El Boraey Y,  Strickland S, (2000): The epidemiology of schistosomiasis in Egypt: Fayoum governarate. American J of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; 62(2):55-64.
    16. Strickland GT, Elhefni H, Salman T, Waked I, Abdel-Hamid M, Mikhail N, Esmat G, Fix A, (2002): Role of hepatitis C infection in chronic liver disease in Egypt. Am J Trop Med Hyg; 67(4):436-42.
    17. Esmat G, Abouzied A, Mohamed MK, Abdel-Hamid M, Elrazki MS, Ismail SA, Abdel Aziz F, Mikhail N, Fix A, Strickland GT, Sjogren M, (2002): Treatment with Peg Interferon alpha 2-b (PEG INF) plus ribavirin compared to Interferon alpha-2b (INF alfa-2b) plus Ribavirin on subjects with chronic hepatitis C infected with HCV genotype 4 . Hepatology; 36(4):364A.
    18. Esmat G, Zakaria S, Khatab H, Abdel-Hamid M, Anwar M, Elrazki MS, El-Daly M, Elkafrawi S, Hasan A, Shaheen A,  Ismail SA,  Sjogren M Abouzied A, (2002): Impact of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype and viral load on the biochemical and histopathological liver profiles in Egyptian patients infected with HCV. Hepatology; 36(4):535A.
    19. Esmat G, Abouzied AM, Ismail A, Saleh SM, Said M, Anwar M, Abdel Aziz F, Shaheen A, Ahmed RA, Abdel Hamid M, Zalata KR, Fix AD, Strickland T, Sjogren M, (2002): Treatment with peg-interferon alfa-2b (peg-inf) plus ribavirin compared to interferon alfa-2b (ifn alfa 2b) plus ribavirin on subjects with chronic hepatitis c infected with HCV genotype 4.  Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; Vol. 67 No. 2:131-132.
    20. Esmat G, Abouzied AM, Abdel-Aziz F, Mohamed MK, Abdel-Hamid M, El Raziky MS, Ismail SA, K R Zalata, Mikhail NN, (2002): Treatment with peg-interferon alfa-2b (PEG-Ifn) plus ribavirin compared to interferon alfa-2b (INF alfa-2b) plus ribavirin on subjects with chronic hepatitis c infected with HCV genotype 4.   Hepatology; Vol. 36, No. 4, pt 2 of 2:364A.
    21. Emsat G, Mohamed MK, Abdel Hamid M, Zalata K, Khatab H, El Batanony M, Abouzied MA, El Raziky M, Shaheen AM, Ismail A, Strickland GT, Fix A, Sjogren M, (2003):  The impact of steatosis on baseline characteristics and end of treatment response for chronic hepatitis (C) genotype 4 patients treated with interferon.Journal of Hepatology; 38, Suppl. 2:139.
    22. Esmat G, Al Raziky M, Abouzied A, Kamal M, Abdel Hamid M, Abdel Aziz F, Shaheen AA, Mikhail N, Strickland T, Sjogren M, (2003): Impact of schistosomal infection on interferon response in genotype 4 chronic hepatitis C patients. Viral Hepatitis and Liver disease, Sydney; Page 153.
    23.  Esmat G, Abouzied A, Abdel-Hamid M, Mohamed MK, Zalata K, El Raziky ME, Ismail SA, Said M, Hasan A, Anwar M, Shaheen A, Abdel ziz F, Mikhail NN, Ismail A, Fix A, Strickland TG, Sjogren MH, (2003): Results of a randomized clinical trial of genotype 4 infected subjects when treated with standard or pegylated interferon alfa-2b in combination with ribavirin. Hepatology; 38, No. 4, Suppl. 1:314A.
    24. El Raziky MS, El-Hawary M, El- Koofy N, Okasha S, Kotb M, Salama K, Esmat G, El- Raziky M,  Abouzied MA, El Karaksy H, (2004): Hepatitis C virus infection in Egyptian children: Single center experience. Journal of Viral Hepatitis; 11:471-6.
    25. Nada O, Abdel-Hamid M, Ismail A, El-Shabrawy L, Sidhom K, El-Badawy N, Ghazal F, El-Daly M, El-Kafrawy S, Esmat G, Loffredo CA, (2005): The role of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-Fas L and HCV in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma, Journal of Clinical Virology; 34, Issue 2:140-146.
    26. Esmat G, Yosry A, El-Serafi M, Omar A, Doss W, Hosny A, Ghali A, Sabry H, Attia H, Kamel S, Said M, Gabali H, Lee SK, Tanaka K, (2005): Donor outcomes in right lobe adult living donor liver transplantation: single-center experience in Egypt.Transplant Proc; 37(7):3147-50.
    27. Bakr I, Rekacewicz C, El Hosseiny M, Ismail S, El Daly M, El-Kafrawy S, Esmat G, Hamid MA, Mohamed MK, Fontanet A, (2006): Higher clearance of hepatitis C virus infection in females compared with males. Gut; 55(8):1183-7.
    28. Mohamed MK, Bakr I, El-Hoseiny M, Arafa N, Hassan A, Ismail S, Anwar M, Attala M, Rekacewicz C, Zalata K, Abdel-Hamid M, Esmat G, Fontanet A, (2006): HCV-related morbidity in a rural community of Egypt. Med Virol; 78(9):1185-9. 
    29. Zakaria S, Fouad R, Shaker O, Zaki S, Hashem A, El-Kamary SS, Esmat G, (2007): Changing patterns of acute viral hepatitis at a major urban referral center in Egypt  Clin Infect Dis; 44(4):e30-6.
    30. Esmat G, Metwally M, Zalata KR, Gadalla S, Abdel-Hamid M, Abouzied A, Shaheen AA, El-Raziky M, Khatab H, El-Kafrawy S, Mikhail N, Magder LS, Afdhal NH, Strickland GT, (2007): Evaluation of serum biomarkers of fibrosis and injury in Egyptian patients with chronic hepatitis C. J hepatol; 46(4):620-7, Epub 2007 Jan 24
    31. Abdel-Hamid M, El-Daly M, Molnegren V, El-Kafrawy S, Abdel-Latif S, Esmat G, Strickland GT, Loffredo C, Albert J, Widell A, (2007): Genetic diversity in hepatitis C virus in Egyptand possible association with hepatocellular carcinoma. J gen virol.; 88(Pt 5):1526-31. 
    32. El-Raziky MS, El-Hawary M, Esmat G, Abouzied AM, El-Koofy N,Mohsen N, Mansour S, Shaheen A, Abdel Hamid M, El-Karaksy H, (2007): Prevalence and risk factors of asymptomatic hepatitis C virus infection in Egyptian children, World J Gastroenterol.; 28, 13(12):1828-32. 
    33. El-Karaksy H, Nomachi S, Esmat G, El-Serafy M, Kamel RR, El-Ansary A, Refaat S, Tanaka K, (2007): Equal outcome of living-related liver transplantation for Wilson’s disease from heterozygote and nonheterozygote donors: A report of a brother and sister, Indian J Med Sci.; 61(5):286-8. 
    34. El-Hawary MA, El-Raziky MS, Esmat G, Soliman H, Abouzied A, El-Raziky M, El-Akel W, El-Sayed R, Shebl F, Shaheen AA, El-Karaksy H, (2007): Assessment of hepatic fibrosis in pediatric cases with hepatitis C virus in Egypt. World J Gastroenterol.; 13(20):2846-2851.
    35. Zekri AR, Haleem HA, Esmat G, Bahnassy AA, El-Din HM, Hafez MM, Sharaby AF, Sharaf H, Zakaria MS, (2007): Immunomodulators, sFas and Fas-L as potential noninvasive predictors of IFN treatment in patients with HCV genotype-4. J Viral Hepat.; 14(7):468-77.
    36. Males S, Gad RR, Esmat G, Abobakr H, Anwar M, Rekacewicz C, El Hoseiny M, Zalata K, Abdel-Hamid M, Bedossa P, Pol S, Mohamed MK, Fontanet A, (2007): Serum alpha-foetoprotein level predicts treatment outcome in chronic hepatitis C. Antiviral Therapy; 12:797-803.
    37. Tabll AA, Khalil SB, El-Shenawy RM, Esmat G, Helmy A, Attallah A, El-Awady MK, (2008): Establishment of Hybrid Cell Lines Producing Monoclonal Antibodies to a Synthetic Peptide from the E1 Region of the Hepatitis C Virus. Journal of Immunoassay & Immunochemistry; 29:91-104.
    38. Yosry A, Abdel-Rahman M, Esmat G, El-Serafy M, Omar A, Doss W, Zayed N, Said M, Ismail T, Hosny A, Marawan E, El-Malt O, Kamel RR, Hatata Y, El-Taweel A, Ghali A, Sabri H, Kamel S, El-Gabaly H, (2009): Recurrence of hepatitis C virus (genotype 4) infection after living-donor liver transplant in Egyptian patients. Exp Clin Transplant.; 7(3):157-63.
    39. Esmat G, El Akel W, Metwally M, Soliman A, Doss W, Hamid MA, Kamal M, Zalata K, Khattab H, El-Kassas M, Esmat M, Hasan A, El-Raziky M, (2009): Improvement of steatosis after interferon therapy in HCV genotype 4 is related to weight loss. Indian J Gastroenterol.; 28(2):45-8.
    40. Shiha G, Sarin SK, Ibrahim AE, Omata M, Kumar A, Lesmana LA, Leung N, Tozun N, Hamid S, Jafri W, Maruyama H, Bedossa P, Pinzani M, Chawla Y, Esmat G, Doss W, Elzanaty T, Sakhuja P, Nasr AM, Omar A, Wai CT, Abdallah A, Salama M, Hamed A, Yousry A, Waked I, Elsahar M, Fateen A, Mogawer S, Hamdy H, Elwakil R, (2009): Jury of the APASL Consensus Development Meeting 29 January 2008 on Liver Fibrosis With Without Hepatitis B or C. Liver fibrosis: consensus recommendations of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL). Hepatol Int.; 3(2):323-33.
    41. El Makhzangy H, Esmat G, Said M, Elraziky M, Shouman S, Refai R, Rekacewicz C, Gad RR, Vignier N, Abdel-Hamid M, Zalata K, Bedossa P, Pol S, Fontanet A, Mohamed MK, (2009): Response to pegylated interferon alfa-2a and ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C genotype 4. J Med Virol.; 81(9):1576-83.
    42. El-Kamary SS, Shardell MD, Abdel-Hamid M, Ismail S, El-Ateek M, Metwally M, Mikhail N, Hashem M, Mousa A, Aboul-Fotouh A, El-Kassas M, Esmat G, Strickland GT. A randomized controlled trial to assess the safety and efficacy of silymarin on symptoms, signs and biomarkers of acute hepatitis. Phytomedicine. 2009 May;16(5):391-400
    43. El Makhzangy H, Esmat G, Said M, Elraziky M, Shouman S, Refai R, Rekacewicz C, Gad RR, Vignier N, Abdel-Hamid M, Zalata K, Bedossa P, Pol S, Fontanet A, Mohamed MK:Response to pegylated interferon alfa-2a and ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C genotype 4. J Med Virol. 2009 Sep;81(9):1576-83. 
    44. Shiha G, Sarin SK, Ibrahim AE, Omata M, Kumar A, Lesmana LA, Leung N, Tozun N, Hamid S, Jafri W, Maruyama H, Bedossa P, Pinzani M, Chawla Y, Esmat G, Doss W, Elzanaty T, Sakhuja P, Nasr AM, Omar A, Wai CT, Abdallah A, Salama M, Hamed A, Yousry A, Waked I, Elsahar M, Fateen A, Mogawer S, Hamdy H, Elwakil R: Jury of the APASL Consensus Development Meeting 29 January 2008 on Liver Fibrosis With Without Hepatitis B or C. Liver fibrosis: consensus recommendations of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL). Hepatol Int. 2009 Jun;3(2):323-33. 
    45. Yosry A, Abdel-Rahman M, Esmat G, El-Serafy M, Omar A, Doss W, Zayed N, Said M, Ismail T, Hosny A, Marawan E, El-Malt O, Kamel RR, Hatata Y, El-Taweel A, Ghali A, Sabri H, Kamel S, El-Gabaly H: Recurrence of hepatitis C virus (genotype 4) infection after living-donor liver transplant in Egyptian patients. Exp Clin Transplant. 2009 Sep;7(3):157-63.
    46. Zekri AR, Moharram RA, Mohamed WS, Bahnassy AA, Alam El-Din HM, Abo-Shadi MM, Zayed NA, El-Magzangy H, Abdel-Aziz AO, Esmat G.: Disease progression from chronic hepatitis C to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma is associated with repression of interferon regulatory factor-1. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010 Apr;22(4):450-6.
    47. El-Karaksy HM, Anwar G, Esmat G, Mansour S, Sabry M, Helmy H, El-Hennawy A, Fouad H: Prevalence of hepatic abnormalities in a cohort of Egyptian children with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Pediatric Diabetes. 2010 Nov;11(7):462-70
    48. Zekri AR, Alam El-Din HM, Bahnassy AA, Zayed NA, Mohamed WS, El-Masry SH, Gouda SK, Esmat G: Serum levels of soluble Fas, soluble tumor necrosis factor-receptor II, interleukin-2 receptor and interleukin-8 as early predictors of hepatocellular carcinoma in Egyptian patients with hepatitis C virus genotype-4. Comp Hepatol. 2010 Jan 5;9(1)
    49. Mohammed RH, ElMakhzangy HI, Gamal A, Mekky F, El Kassas M, Mohammed N, Abdel Hamid M, Esmat G: Prevalence of rheumatologic manifestations of chronic hepatitis C virus infection among Egyptians. Clin Rheumatol. 2010 Dec;29(12):1373-80.
    50. Mostafa A, Mohamed MK, Saeed M, Hasan A, Fontanet A, Godsland I, Coady E, Esmat G, El-Hoseiny M, Abdul-Hamid M, Hughes A, Chaturvedi N. Hepatitis C infection and clearance: impact on atherosclerosis and cardiometabolic risk factors. Gut. 2010 Aug;59(8):1135-40.
    51. Fathy A, Eldin MM, Metwally L, Eida M, Abdel-Rehim M, Esmat G. Interferon therapy shifts natural killer subsets among Egyptian patients with chronic hepatitis C. Braz J Infect Dis. 2010 Jul-Aug;14(4):398-405
    52. Bader el-Din NG, Abd el-Meguid M, Tabll AA, Anany MA, Esmat G, Zayed N, Helmy A, el-Zayady AR, Barakat A, el-Awady MK. Human cytomegalovirus infection inhibits response of chronic hepatitis-C-virus-infected patients to interferon-based therapy. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011 Jan;26(1):55-62.
    53. Hashem M, El-Karaksy H, Shata MT, Sobhy M, Helmy H, El-Naghi S, Galal G, Ali ZZ, Esmat G, Abdelwahab SF, Strickland GT, El-Kamary SS. Strong hepatitis C virus (HCV)-specific cell-mediated immune responses in the absence of viremia or antibodies among uninfected siblings of HCV chronically infected children. J Infect Dis. 2011 Mar 15;203(6):854-61
    54. Wiersma ST, McMahon B, Pawlotsky JM, Thio CL, Thursz M, Lim SG, Ocama P, Esmat G, Mendy M, Bell D, Vitoria M, Eramova I, Lavanchy D, Dusheiko G; World Health Organization Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals. Treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in resource-constrained settings: expert panel consensus. Liver Int. 2011 Jul;31(6):755-61. 
    55. Sievert W, Altraif I, Razavi HA, Abdo A, Ahmed EA, Alomair A, Amarapurkar D, Chen CH, Dou X, El Khayat H, Elshazly M, Esmat G, Guan R, Han KH, Koike K, Largen A, McCaughan G, Mogawer S, Monis A, Nawaz A, Piratvisuth T, Sanai FM, Sharara AI, Sibbel S, Sood A, Suh DJ, Wallace C, Young K, Negro F. A systematic review of hepatitis C virus epidemiology in Asia, Australia and Egypt. Liver Int. 2011 Jul;31 Suppl 2:61-80
    56. Elhawary EI, Mahmoud GF, El-Daly MA, Mekky FA, Esmat GG, Abdel-Hamid M. Association of HCV with diabetes mellitus: an Egyptian case-control study. Virol J. 2011 Jul 26;8:367. 
    57. Esmat G, Hashem M, El-Raziky M, El-Akel W, El-Naghy S, El-Koofy N, El-Sayed R, Ahmed R, Atta-Allah M, Hamid MA, El-Kamary SS, El-Karaksy H. Risk factors for hepatitis C virus acquisition and predictors of persistence among Egyptian children. Liver Int. 2012 Mar;32(3):449-56.
    58. El-Ekiaby N, Hamdi N, Negm M, Ahmed R, Zekri AR, Esmat G, Abdelaziz AI. Repressed induction of interferon-related microRNAs miR-146a and miR-155 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells infected with HCV genotype 4. FEBS Open Bio. 2012 Jul 20;2:179-86.
    59. Abbas E, Shaker O, Abd El Aziz G, Ramadan H, Esmat G. Epidermal growth factor gene polymorphism 61A/G in patients with chronic liver disease for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma: a pilot study. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2012 Apr;24(4):458-63
    60. Mekky RY, Hamdi N, El-Akel W, Esmat G, Abdelaziz AI. Estrogen-related MxA transcriptional variation in hepatitis C virus-infected patients. Transl Res. 2012 Mar;159(3):190-6.
    61. Yosry A, Said M, Esmat G, Al-Serafy M, Omar A, Doss W, Omran D, Saad Y, Kamel S, Abdel-Bary A, Hatata Y, Hosny A. HLA tissue typing has no effect on the outcome of patients undergoing a living-donor liver transplant: a single-center experience in Egypt. Exp Clin Transplant. 2012 Apr;10(2):136-40.
    62. El-Shamy A, Shoji I, El-Akel W, Bilasy SE, Deng L, El-Raziky M, Jiang DP, Esmat G, Hotta H. NS5A sequence heterogeneity of hepatitis C virus genotype 4a predicts clinical outcome of pegylated-interferon-ribavirin therapy in Egyptian patients. J Clin Microbiol. 2012 Dec;50(12):3886-92. 
    63. Mabrouk M, Esmat G, Yosry A, El-Serafy M, Doss W, Zayed N, El-Sahhar M, Awny S, Omar A. Health-related quality of life in Egyptian patients after liver transplantation. Ann Hepatol. 2012 Nov-Dec;11(6):882-90.
    64. Esmat G. Hepatitis C in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. East Mediterr Health J. 2013 Jul;19(7):587-8.
    65. Elalfy MS, Esmat G, Matter RM, Abdel Aziz HE, Massoud WA. Liver fibrosis in young Egyptian beta-thalassemia major patients: relation to hepatitis C virus and compliance with chelation. Ann Hepatol. 2013 Jan-Feb;12(1):54-61.
    66. Esmat G, El Kassas M, Hassany M, Gamil ME, El Raziky M. How to optimize HCV therapy in genotype 4 patients. Liver Int. 2013 Feb;33 Suppl 1:41-5.
    67. El-Kady NM, Esmat G, Mahmoud EH, Darweesh SK, Mahmoud SH, Elagawy WA. Hypertonic saline-enhanced radiofrequency versus chemoembolization sequential radiofrequency in the treatment of large hepatocellular carcinoma. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013 May;25(5):628-33.
    68. Khairy M, Abdel-Rahman M, El-Raziky M, El-Akel W, Zayed N, Khatab H, Esmat G. Non-invasive prediction of hepatic fibrosis in patients with chronic HCV based on the routine pre-treatment workup. Hepat Mon. 2012 Nov;12(11):e6718
    69. Tayel SS, Helmy AA, Ahmed R, Esmat G, Hamdi N, Abdelaziz AI. Progesterone suppresses interferon signaling by repressing TLR-7 and MxA expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients infected with hepatitis C virus. Arch Virol. 2013 Aug;158(8):1755-64
    70. Abdel-Rahman M, Saad Y, El-Raziky M, Zayed N, El-Akel W, Said M, El-Beshlawy M, Esmat G. Hepatitis C genotype 4 with normal transaminases: correlation with fibrosis and response to treatment, a cohort Egyptian study of 4277 patients. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2013 Nov;37(5):479-84.
    71. Shaker O, Bassiony H, El Raziky M, El-Kamary SS, Esmat G, El-Ghor AM, Mohamed MM. Human leukocyte antigen class II alleles (DQB1 and DRB1) as predictors for response to interferon therapy in HCV genotype 4. Mediators Inflamm. 2013;2013:392746.
    72. Said ZN, Sayed MH, Salama II, Aboel-Magd EK, Mahmoud MH, Setouhy ME, Mouftah F, Azzab MB, Goubran H, Bassili A, Esmat GE. Occult hepatitis B virus infection among Egyptian blood donors. World J Hepatol. 2013 Feb 27;5(2):64-73.
    73. Ragab D, Laird M, Duffy D, Casrouge A, Mamdouh R, Abass A, Shenawy DE, Shebl AM, Elkashef WF, Zalata KR, Kamal M, Esmat G, Bonnard P, Fontanet A, Rafik M, Albert ML. CXCL10 antagonism and plasma sDPPIV correlate with increasing liver disease in chronic HCV genotype 4 infected patients. Cytokine. 2013 Aug;63(2):105-12. 
    74. Abdel-Rahman M, El-Sayed M, El Raziky M, Elsharkawy A, El-Akel W, Ghoneim H, Khattab H, Esmat G. Coinfection with hepatitis C virus and schistosomiasis: fibrosis and treatment response. World J Gastroenterol. 2013 May 7;19(17):2691-6. 
    75. Khairy M, El-Raziky M, El-Akel W, Abdelbary MS, Khatab H, El-Kholy B, Esmat G, Mabrouk M. Serum autoantibodies positivity prevalence in patients with chronic HCV and impact on pegylated interferon and ribavirin treatment response. Liver Int. 2013 Nov;33(10):1504-9.
    76. Maklad S, Esmat G, Doss W, Abou-Zeid A, El-Din SS. Response and seroconversion rates among HBeAg-positive chronic HBV Egyptian patients treated with peginterferon alpha 2a (Pegasys), a single-centre experience. Arab J Gastroenterol. 2013 Jun;14(2):73-7.
    77. El Raziky M, Fathalah WF, El-Akel WA, Salama A, Esmat G, Mabrouk M, Salama RM, Khatab HM. The Effect of Peginterferon Alpha-2a vs. Peginterferon Alpha-2b in Treatment of Naive Chronic HCV Genotype-4 Patients: A Single Centre Egyptian Study. Hepat Mon. 2013 May 28;13(5):e10069.
    78. Barsoum RS, Esmat G, El-Baz T. Human schistosomiasis: clinical perspective: review. J Adv Res. 2013 Sep;4(5):433-44. 
    79. Elbaz T, Esmat G. Hepatic and intestinal schistosomiasis: review. J Adv Res. 2013 Sep;4(5):445-52.
    80. Zekri AR, El-Kassas M, Saad Y, Bahnassy A, El-Din HK, Darweesh SK, Abdel Hafez H, Esmat G. Caspase recruitment domains. New potential markers for diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma associated with HCV in Egyptian patients. Ann Hepatol. 2013 Sep-Oct;12(5):774-81.
    81. El Raziky M, Attia D, El Akel W, Shaker O, Khatab H, Abdo S, Elsharkawy A, Esmat G. Hepatic fibrosis and serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) as predictors of response to HCV treatment and factors associated with serum AFP normalisation after treatment. Arab J Gastroenterol. 2013 Sep;14(3):94-8
    82. Esmat G, Elsharkawy A, El Akel W, Fouad A, Helal K, Mohamed MK, Attia D, Khattab H, Doss W, Labib S. Fibroscan of chronic HCV patients coinfected with schistosomiasis. Arab J Gastroenterol. 2013 Sep;14(3):109-12.
    83. Esmat G, El Kassas M, Hassany M, Gamil M, El Raziky M. Optimizing treatment for HCV genotype 4: PEG-IFN alfa 2a vs. PEG-IFN alfa 2b; the debate continues. Liver Int. 2014 Feb;34 Suppl 1:24-8.
    84. Umar M, Khan AG, Abbas Z, Arora S, Asifabbas N, Elewaut A, Esmat G, Foster G, Fried M, Goh KL, Hamama TB, Imawari M, Isakov V, Krabshuis J, LaBrecque D, Lemair A, Malfertheiner P, Ryder S, Schiedermaier P, Stimac D, Tandon R, Villamil F, Zapata R, Ferenci P; World Gastroenterology Organisation. World Gastroenterology Organisation global guidelines: diagnosis, management and prevention of hepatitis C April 2013. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2014 Mar;48(3):204-17.
    85. Obach D, Deuffic-Burban S, Esmat G, Anwar WA, Dewedar S, Canva V, Cousien A, Doss W, Mostafa A, Pol S, Buti M, Siebert U, Fontanet A, Mohamed MK, Yazdanpanah Y. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of immediate versus delayed treatment of hepatitis C virus-infected patients in a country with limited resources: the case of Egypt. Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Apr;58(8):1064-71
    86. Fawzy IO, Negm M, Ahmed R, Esmat G, Hamdi N, Abdelaziz AI. Tamoxifen downregulates MxA expression by suppressing TLR7 expression in PBMCs of males infected with HCV. J Med Virol. 2014 Jul;86(7):1113-9.
    87. Mabrouk M, El-Raziky M, Zayed N, Salama R, El-Akel W, Awad T, El Beshlawy M, Esmat G. Clinical, biochemical and pathological profiles of 5464 Egyptian chronic hepatitis C-infected patients. Hepatogastroenterology. 2013 Oct;60(127):1731-5.
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    171. Hamed AE, Elsahar M, Elwan NM, El-Nakeep S, Naguib M, Soliman HH, Ahmed Aboubakr A, AbdelMaqsod A, Sedrak H, Assaad SN, Elwakil R, Esmat G, Salh S, Mostafa T, Mogawer S, Sadek SE, Saber MM, Ezelarab H, Mahmoud AA, Sultan S, El Kassas M, Kamal E, ElSayed NM, Moussa S. Managing diabetes and liver disease association. Arab J Gastroenterol. 2018 Dec;19(4):166-179. 
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    187. Nasser MZ, Zayed NA, Mohamed AM, Attia D, Esmat G, Khairy A. Circulating microRNAs (miR-21, miR-223, miR-885-5p) along the clinical spectrum of HCV-related chronic liver disease in Egyptian patients. Arab J Gastroenterol. 2019 Dec;20(4):198-204.
    188. Hatzakis A, Lazarus JV, Cholongitas E, Baptista-Leite R, Boucher C, Busoi CS, Deuffic-Burban S, Chhatwal J, Esmat G, Hutchinson S, Malliori MM, Maticic M, Mozalevskis A, Negro F, Papandreou GA, Papatheodoridis GV, Peck-Radosavljevic M, Razavi H, Reic T, Schatz E, Tozun N, Younossi Z, Manns MP. Securing sustainable funding for viral hepatitis elimination plans. Liver Int. 2020 Feb;40(2):260-270. 
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    200. Cordie A, El-Kotamy MT, Esmat G. Antiretroviral therapy optimisation in the time of COVID-19: Is it really different in North and South Africa? South Afr J HIV Med. 2020 Jul 30;21(1):1118. 
    201. Eletreby R, Anees M, Naguib M, Kobtan A, Helmy A, Khalaf N, Mansour S, Hassany M, El Akel W, Hashem A, Doss W, Esmat G. The interrelation between lipid profile in chronic HCV patients and their response to antiviral agents. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Jan;15(1):103-110. 
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