- Liver International Journal.
- Journal of Advanced Research (JAR).
- Arab Journal of Gastroenterology (AJG).
- Academic Press/Elsevier publisher.
- African Journal of Biotechnology.
- Antiviral Research.
- Arab journal of gastroenterology.
- BMJ Open Journal.
- Cancer Investigation Journal.
- Comprehensive Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Science.
- Current hepatitis reports.
- Digestive disease and science journal.
- Egyptian Liver Journal.
- Hepatitis monthly.
- Hepatitis Research.
- Hepatology International.
- Human Immunology Journal.
- International Journal of Immunology.
- International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences.
- International Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences.
- Journal of General and Molecular Virology.
- Journal of Hepatology.
- Journal of viral hepatitis.
- Liver International.
- Medicine.
- Oman Medical Journal.
- Open Journal of Gastroenterology.
- Plos one.
- Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology.
- Scandinavian Journal of Immunology.
- Virology Journal.
- * Conferences abstract revision: UEGW.
- * Grants revision: STDF.